'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (2025)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (1)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (2)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (3)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (4)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (5)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (6)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (7)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (8)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (9)

Posts: 202'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (10)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 21:01:43 GMT

Post by Nanari on Jun 14, 2016 21:01:43 GMT

Note: You know who for. 'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (11)

Nanari was in so much trouble right now. She should have known not to go on and on about Percy without giving away his name and such, because now she had the issue of either introducing him to her parents, or having them find him in the Tavern unexpected, because somehow they worked out where she met him. Percy was so going to kill her for this. It wasn't untold that as she walked into the Tavern, many of the regulars knew something was up, her usual smile laced with worry and a little fear, not of Percy, nor his reaction, but her parents when and if they worked out who he was... Mother would be fine, she would understand, Father on the other hand was another matter. Sitting down at her usual spot next to Angus, Nanari gave her friend a small smile. "Hey Angus, how have you been? And do you know if Delilah has let Percy off yet? I need to speak to him..." Nanari made sure to get here before he finished as to catch him on time, but Delilah was known for keeping him around to chat for a bit. Nanari didn't blame her after finding out he got into many fights, especially that one the day he humoured her, even Nanari was still trying to find out who did so, as Percy didn't deserve that, and Delilah, as sweet as she was, was terrifying when you got on her bad side, so heaven forbid if she found out first.

Percival Ohere
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (12)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (13)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (14)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (15)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (16)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (17)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (18)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (19)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (20)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (21)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (22)

"Some powers really aren't worth the sacrifices."

Posts: 98'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (23)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 21:16:40 GMT

Post by Percival Ohere on Jun 14, 2016 21:16:40 GMT

Percy hadn't been all too active since that night. He'd work, because he needed to work, but it always ended the same way, Angus finding one way or another to get Percy alone somewhere, and 'remind' him of how the other felt. Nothing as bad as before, but enough to keep Percy constantly trembling, or from sleeping. The only lighter side of all this was that despite not knowing who was causing Percy trouble, Delilah wanted to keep her employee as safe as possible. She'd keep Percy in the Tavern for longer than necessary, not to work, just to talk things out. He'd met Nanari as well, because she was regular here, and there was no fair reason for Angus to be mad at him for talking to a customer. Like Delilah, Percy wasn't letting up on explaining who was hurting him to Nanari, at this point too scared of the consequences to dare to. She'd fix his wounds, quickly restore his broken jaw back to normal, but after a while, even Nanari stopped questioning why Percy was getting more and more injured these days. They both worried about him, and Percy really wished they wouldn't. Because having their trust, made the guilt force down on him even more, knowing he was keeping a secret from this kind individuals. Percy was in the kitchen, learning under Delilah on how to properly cook, following some of her own recipes. The Tavern was quiet tonight, so any conversations were easy to hear even from in here. And as Percy was just peeling some fruit, his body tensed up, hearing Nanari out there, talking to Angus. Asking to see Percy.
Oh god if only Nanari knew how much worse she was making the situation for Percy. Practically looking Angus in the eye and stating how she wanted to see the turquoise-haired boy over him. She meant it in no disrespect, because she didn't know, even so, it made Percy's tremble come back a bit. "Lady trouble?" Delilah asked him quietly. Percy looked to her, placing down the fruit and sighing. "You could say that." He replied, going to go meet Nanari, and hearing Delilah snort from behind. "Go get her Percy." She muttered in jest, and it almost made Percy smile, if he'd not crashed into Angus on the way out. They shared a neutral gaze at one another, and only Percy could see the hate in the others eyes. But he moved passed quickly, a smile returning as he reached Nanari. "This isn't your usual day, but how can I help you?" He asked simply.

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (24)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (25)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (26)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (27)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (28)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (29)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (30)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (31)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (32)

Posts: 202'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (33)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 21:32:46 GMT

Post by Nanari on Jun 14, 2016 21:32:46 GMT

Nanari gave a sigh as Angus walked off, feeling bad every time, she knew he liked her, more then others, and while she was always civil and friendly with him, she still felt bad for it, hoping it wasn't giving off the wrong impression. She worried that it would break him if ever acted upon it, and she didn't want to lose his friendship over such a thing. But she had bigger things to worry about right now as she looked to Percy as he came out, he was right, this wasn't her usual day to come in... Nor was it for the same reasons. Giving him a sheepish smile, Nanari gave a half smile, half grimace. "I would not ask this of you under any other circumstances... But my parents would like to meet you... Like now. Before you freak out. I tried talking them out of it, saying how you were shy and any excuse I could think of to get you out of this that gave nothing away." That last bit was said in whisper, to make sure none over heard before continuing. "But, they said if I don't introduce them to the friend I don't apparently shut up about, sorry for that, they don't know name or anything, then they would come down here and scope you out... I should have known they had their ways to work out where I met you... I'm really sorry for this by the way." And Nanari was, truly. And she did try every trick in the book to get out of it... But her mother knew too much, and her father... Well, it was a good thing on the inside he was a teddy bear for her, because Percy may not make it out alive... As her father also seemed to know too much. Curse her mother really was telling him things. "So, do you mind? It will just be them, and I'll make sure they say nothing bad, if you know what I mean."

Percival Ohere
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (34)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (35)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (36)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (37)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (38)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (39)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (40)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (41)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (42)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (43)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (44)

"Some powers really aren't worth the sacrifices."

Posts: 98'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (45)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 21:42:51 GMT

Post by Percival Ohere on Jun 14, 2016 21:42:51 GMT

Percy was getting more lenient with Nanari. And it was evident as she explained things out. Percy's smile dropped, and for a moment he glared, hands clenching up. No one else, he didn't want to meet anyone else. Much less people like Nanari, who could guess who Percy really was. He really didn't need this kind of problem right now. But, Nanari didn't know how much Percy already had on his plate, so he couldn't blame her for that part. And, thinking on the reason why Percy was so stressed right now, he realised he didn't have a choice. Granted he wasn't supposed to be seeing Nanari, that would get him punished, but if Percy upset Nanari in anyway, like deciding to not forgive her for this, then the punishment could only get worse.

Percy was well aware how unfair the situation he was in was.

So his muscles relaxed, glare dissolved with a sigh, and Percy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. I'll meet them." He said, sounding exasperated as he did. "But I'm not going to pretend or anything, act different for their sake. And, I'm not trusting them either. It's just an introduction, nothing more." Percy explained, before a soft smile returned. "To be honest I'm grateful you've kept it hush for this long." He muttered, "So I guess, I'll humour you again, Nanari."After a pause, Percy glanced back into the kitchen. Both Angus and Delilah were busy inside, and technically Percy's shift finished over an hour ago, so he was free to leave. "Let's not drag this out then," Percy said, holding out a hand for Nanari, "I'll follow your lead."

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (46)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (47)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (48)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (49)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (50)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (51)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (52)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (53)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (54)

Posts: 202'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (55)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 22:00:02 GMT

Post by Nanari on Jun 14, 2016 22:00:02 GMT

Nanari gave him a grateful smile, knowing how much she had messed up here, and still here he was humouring her. "I don't expect you to act any different, I don't want you to. As for trusting them, I don't expect that either, to be honest, you didn't even need to tell me that for me to know, seriously, I tried so hard to get you out of this... But parents can be a pain, I'm so sorry still." Hugging Percy quickly in thanks, having heard his mutter, Nanari gave a small smile. "I promised I would keep it hush, and I will do everything in my power to make sure they either don't find out, or tell if they do... Mother definitely wont if I ask, father is a difficult one to judge, but I hope he'll understand, it may be a case of, I will keep it a secret until I have to tell sort of deal." Nanari wanted Percy to know it all now, what might happen, she wouldn't sugar coat it, nor lie about things, not seeing how he's willing to go, despite things. "Look, I'll make it up to you okay? Whatever you want..." Grabbing his hand, Nanari began to lead him up to aura, talking as they went, not rushing for his benefit. "Mother is lovely, though she may make jokes and comments, nothing bad, just the motherly sort of things. And father... He's terrifying, but a teddy bear on the inside, he'll glare, and threaten you for no reason... Act like he could care less, probably. Just ignore it, I'll make sure you don't have to stay for long. And then I'll pay you back for this."

Touching down not long after, Nanari hovered outside the door and looking to Percy. And in a hushed whisper, Nanari gave him a smile. "You can back out if you want, I don't want you to feel forced to come here, though I am grateful for it... I mean, I can do my best again to try and talk them out of finding you, though they are both stubborn and would probably lie to me about it all in the end..." Giving a small smile, and letting Percy choose, Nanari opened the door, knowing both parents would be in, before shouting out. "Mother, Father... Come meet my friend." Giving one last look to Percy, Nanari just hoped things wouldn't end too badly.

Hane Light
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (56)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (57)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (58)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (59)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (60)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (61)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (62)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (63)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (64)

Posts: 106'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (65)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 22:19:31 GMT

Post by Hane Light on Jun 14, 2016 22:19:31 GMT

Hane did not have a daughter. He had an arrangement, in which he was the guardian to young Nanari. Because Tenshi asked him to, and also because the guard needed this as a way of repaying Nanari's kindness, for keeping him alive four years when she was Human, and he was stuck in a coma. It was repaying a debt, simple. And whilst in the eighteen years Hane had watched her grow, training her more than anyone, becoming proud as she reached his level in skill, Hane still denied being the girl's father. Simply because it was a commitment the two centuries old man never thought he'd have, and didn't want to have because of the grief it would cause later on. But despite however much Hane would deny it, he was enjoying life. Living in a home with Tenshi- something Hane explained was completely professional, as it meant he could protect both at a close distance- then raising Nanari. And then, feeling the boiling panic of her making a friend, meeting a boy.
Of course Hane made no notion that he cared. Tenshi definitely did, the moment her daughter spoke up about a friend, Tenshi was investigating it like a thrilling mystery to solve. Which was typical Tenshi. The moment possible relationships came up, the woman was a lost cause of gushy faces and endless teasing. Eventually, the combination of Hane's questioning of Nanari's safety, and Tenshi's cooing, meant Nanari agreed to have them meet her friend.

Hane had never paced a room so much, silently thinking on who the friend might be. He was for some reason picking some sort of Demonic barbarian with a deadly aura, skulking around his... his prized pupil. And that made Hane's hand hover over his sword for a moment. He snapped out of his thoughts the moment Nanari came in. He'd long since given up asking Nanari to call him Hane, not Father, and begrudgingly got used to being called that by her. Hane didn't even care to notice whatever look Tenshi gave him as the small man stormed to the door, trying to cover as much of it with his small body as he gave the 'friend' a look over. He expected a sword, or weapon, or some sense of power to a friend of Nanari's. But, this... boy, looked like he was on the receiving end of other's strength, rather than proving his own. And, all Hane did was huff, before looking to Nanari. "I'm certain there are more acquaintable individuals for you to know out there Nanari, than a street low-life." Hane explained in his monotone voice, "It is a kind and respectful gesture to such an unfortunate soul, but you do not consider the risks, such as betrayal, greed, or from this example, the spread of diseases. Our race almost died from such a vicious pandemic once, you shouldn't want to risk contamination from spending so much time around something... someone so... uncleanly." Hane finished, looking cautious, but completely unaware of how rude the implications he'd said could have been.

Just Tenshi
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (66)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (67)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (68)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (69)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (70)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (71)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (72)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (73)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (74)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (75)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (76)

"We cannot move foward if we forget the past, it only helps us grow. Instead learn and begin anew."

Posts: 136'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (77)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 22:35:23 GMT

Post by Just Tenshi on Jun 14, 2016 22:35:23 GMT

Tenshi couldn't have been happier that Nanari made a friend, one that she knew meant more to her girlie then just that, and while she had teased her daughter on the matter, she didn't dare do so around Hane... Well until today of course. As Tenshi knew that as much as Hane didn't admit it, Nanari was like a daughter to him, and he would go into overprotective father mode for her. She kept giving him looks as he paced round the room, but long gave up trying to stop him, it wasn't until they felt their presence did Tenshi get up from where she was sitting with tea and looking the boy over.


Tenshi knew straight out who this kid was, the hair and eyes giving it away, no wonder why Nanari was so against him coming over, no doubt the poor kid wanted to keep his identity a secret, the up roar if people found out. She gave her daughter props for keeping such a secret for him, and vowed to make sure she did too. But hearing Hane speak, Tenshi gave him an displeased look before hitting him over the head. "Don't be so rude Hane. I expected better from you." Tenshi would have having a long word with him later on about that comment, and hoped he would be more civil now. Walking up to Percival, making no indication of knowing who he was, Tenshi brought him into a hug, giving her daughter a wink. "Knowing how Nanari makes friends, its better I say welcome to the family now." Of course, Tenshi kept the second meaning of that to herself. Letting the poor thing out the hug, Tenshi gave him a look over. "Would you like some tea? I've been told you know exactly what flavours we have here, Nanari doesn't shut up about you. Seriously, that all we get... Never a name though." Giving Percival a wink, she made sure Hane couldn't see her before she pointed to herself and then put her finger over her lips to them both. Her silent way of saying she would keep it a secret... Percival may not understand, but Nanari would. "Come in though, ignore Hane, he's just a grump. You should see him in the mornings, nothing compared to now."

Percival Ohere
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (78)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (79)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (80)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (81)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (82)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (83)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (84)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (85)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (86)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (87)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (88)

"Some powers really aren't worth the sacrifices."

Posts: 98'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (89)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 14, 2016 22:56:55 GMT

Post by Percival Ohere on Jun 14, 2016 22:56:55 GMT

Nanari didn't want to have to do this, Percy got that. Amongst all of her apologies, explanations, Percy knew, and he'd forgiven her for it. He just wanted this whole issue over with, and so kept quiet as Nanari explained things, taking a slow flight up to Aura, at a more Percy speed for once. He smiled absentmindedly to Nanari's blabbering, explaining her parents to him. Warning, that were kind, but unneeded. In a moment Percy would know her parents better than her anyway, which was what he was really trying to mentally prepare himself for with this meeting. When Nanari tried to backtrack, Percy only gave her a frown, and a little smirk, motioning her towards the door. She'd got him into this mess, and it was her job to make sure he got through it.

Door opened, to a house Percy was familiar with, but in this scenario, was open into a place was new mystery and anticipation. He swallowed, before seeing the blur of white hair stand in the way of the door, a stern glare on his face. And words came out very quickly. But Percy say something much deeper than words, he saw a younger version of this man, yet strangely looking the same, he saw torture and death, then revival. Then years and years of immortal life and servitude, the loss of others, the gain of family. The longing to be loved yet the fear of one day losing it all. And Percy had to blink a few times, and shake his head to not just stand there crying from it. After the memories of Hane had all been collected, Percy forced them onto the pile, clenching down on his teeth to stop himself groaning in the pulsing pain as he did so. He caught the last few bits of what Hane said, and looked to Nanari in confusion, his face just asking her: Did you dad just compare me to a parasite?

Percy felt it was humorous, and almost got him out of the flaring pain. Until Nanari's mother happened to appear next. Oh for the love of the Goddess. Nanari had warned him about a lot of things. She neglected to tell Percy that combined, her parents had a past that extended up to 2500 years. The impact of just seeing Tenshi's life was enough for Percy to swear someone had hit his head with a brick again. It started off tragic, almost beyond comparison. And then just stretched out for so long. He caught nothing of what Tenshi said, just staring at the ground, trying to control his breathing, listen to the heavy pulse in his head and make sure it didn't make him too dizzy, or throw up. Tenshi's words became a blur, the hug felt alien and did nothing but prop Percy up for a moment. Then came more words and honestly Percy was really doing his best to look like he was listening, but he was gradually becoming more and more pale and clammy. He managed a nod when Tenshi invited them inside, and once she'd turned, Percy grasped for Nanari's arm. "N... Nanari wait.. w-wait a second." He tried explaining, at that moment giving into the prodding pain in his head, dropping his forehead into one hand all the while keeping as steady a breath as he could.

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (90)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (91)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (92)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (93)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (94)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (95)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (96)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (97)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (98)

Posts: 202'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (99)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 15, 2016 22:17:23 GMT

Post by Nanari on Jun 15, 2016 22:17:23 GMT

Nanari sent a glare towards her father at his comment, knowing he would say something, just not something quite so mean, "Father!" Though she gave a grateful smile to mother for reprimanding him for it, even if she vowed to give it her all in next training session as to get back at him. But the comment was lost to her as she realised mother knew who Percy was, she even going as far as to show in her own way that she would keep it a secret as Nanari knew she would. Father didn't seem to know, which was good, but mother would detain him, Nanari wondered why she was so worried... That being said though, she was worried as her mother sent her that wink, knowing what it meant. Nanari gave a small blush under the gesture before shaking her head to rid of it, if her father saw, god forbid what would happen.

Chuckling as mother tried to make the mood seem lighter with jokes, Nanari was about to follow through until Percy stopped her. Looking to her friend about to ask what was up, before eyes widened in understanding... Of course, mother and father had lived for years, seen so much... Percy must now be getting... Oh god. Helping Percy to the sofa in a small panic, Nanari looked to her parents for help. "Mother, I need some of that soothing tea you have... Its difficult to explain... Father, I need some ice and a glass of water..." Giving a pleading look over to her father, knowing he was the more reluctant one to help, Nanari held both her hands to Percy's head, sending in a bit of her magic to help ease the initial pain he must be feeling, though she could only guess it did little to really help.

Percival Ohere
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (100)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (101)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (102)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (103)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (104)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (105)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (106)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (107)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (108)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (109)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (110)

"Some powers really aren't worth the sacrifices."

Posts: 98'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (111)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 15, 2016 22:50:59 GMT

Post by Percival Ohere on Jun 15, 2016 22:50:59 GMT

These memories. It wasn't just the sheer quantity of them, existing in probably a separate pile of their own, it was the intensity too. Tenshi had seen a war, a long and hard war. And now, Percy had seen it too, he'd felt her fear, her pain, her suffering. All of it, and it was as intense as the roaring fires of a volcano, causing Percy to shake uncontrollably, breathing shuddering. He felt a huge respect to Tenshi now, living with this past, but a part of Percy hated that she'd unintentionally passed it on to him as well. And when he was just beginning the process of coping with hers, Hane's attacked as well. He'd remained rather emotionless throughout his life, at least to others, but Percy got the 1st class treatment of seeing it how Hane really felt. The loneliness and strain of it all, being alive when he didn't want to be. He'd get some respect too, if he hadn't called Percy a disease-carrying parasite just a moment ago. But Percy didn't have time to value his opinions of these people right now, he was too busy trying to bat away their memories before they became stuck in his own, whilst also remain standing.

Nanari brought him over to the sofa, and Percy just wanted to sink down into it completely, let it smother him and end the screams in his head. So many screams, coming from either Tenshi or Hane, or people they'd met and come to know or love. Once he didn't have to focus on his legs or being balanced, Percy focused completely on sorting out these new memories. It was the most painful chore Percy ever had to do, but he needed to do it, unless face the possibility of forgetting his own memories or personalities and have them replaced with these new ones. It would be a lot quicker to do if there weren't so many of the freaking things. He'd also only just realised he was crying this whole time, but that was the least of his problems. He tried squeezing his eyes shut, focusing on breathing normally again. And for a moment, he felt something soothing against his head. A warm sensation he knew well as Nanari's healing magic. She must know as well as Percy it did little to fan away the violent flames of these new memories, but it did keep Percy focused. He even had enough will to look up to her, a very small smile on his face. "C... could've warned me about this bit." He muttered to her. Percy really did care about Nanari a lot, certainly a lot more than he'd admitted. It reminded him of a old love, one that he saw murdered in front of him, killed by family. Percy's eyes widened, before he clamped his head between his hands again. No... no damn it that wasn't his memory, it was one of Tenshi's. A horrible one Percy wanted no part of. He hissed as it hurt his head beyond Nanari's help, forcing the memory back. Eventually, Percy's shoulders and arms dropped, exhausted. "I..." Percy had to sigh heavily, beads of sweat dropping from his brow, "I think I'm... alright. Well, not fully, but... I'm not going to go crazy." He managed to admit, face still pulled in pain, but for now, he'd regained control of his thoughts.

Just Tenshi
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (112)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (113)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (114)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (115)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (116)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (117)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (118)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (119)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (120)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (121)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (122)

"We cannot move foward if we forget the past, it only helps us grow. Instead learn and begin anew."

Posts: 136'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (123)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 16, 2016 20:58:49 GMT

Post by Just Tenshi on Jun 16, 2016 20:58:49 GMT

Tenshi was quick to jump into 'mother mode' and do what she needed to help the poor kid, realising now just how much Percy took after his father, even if the other didn't know it. But Percy was lucky to be here, having Tenshi around, her years of experience making sure she knew how she can help to a certain extent. Like the soothing tea she designed years back to help ease the mind of worries and calm it... It wouldn't help with whatever was happening inside, but it would help him to categorise it and remain in as little pain as possible. Giving a small glare to Hane to make sure he also did as their daughter asked, Tenshi was quick to arrive and hold the mug up to his lips. "Small sips for the second..." Waiting until he got a couple of sips in, Tenshi allowed the mug to be placed in front of him as she checked over his face and head. "I know its probably all on the inside, but better to be safe then sorry." Making sure nothing was wrong, Tenshi wiped away the tears before leaving a motherly kiss on the top of his head. "I'm not going to ask what happened, I'm not sure you will even want to tell us. But if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask, okay?" Tenshi couldn't help it, she hated seeing others in pain, and when she could do little to help as well, she felt even worse.

Hane Light
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (124)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (125)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (126)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (127)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (128)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (129)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (130)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (131)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (132)

Posts: 106'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (133)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 16, 2016 21:13:16 GMT

Post by Hane Light on Jun 16, 2016 21:13:16 GMT

Hane recalled that it was disease that had defeated Nanari in her human life. He wasn't open to taking risks. If his... young pupil, was still as susceptible to illness as she was before, then it was imperative to Hane that she was kept safe from such things. He blinked in surprise when Tenshi knocked him round the head, giving her and Nanari a look, before huffing. He was being honest, caring, wasn't that what they wanted. Hane shook his head a little, stepping back inside without another word, feeling as though with two girls around, he'd never quite understand how to act. He was planning to have that meeting be the last, aiming to step into a different room, away from the others, in order to give them space... or rather, give Hane space to clear his head. But, he stopped, looking back to Nanari as all of a sudden, her friend seemed awfully sick. He could snort, seeing his point proven before him mere minutes after making it, if it wasn't for both Nanari and Tenshi giving him looks, making Hane sigh before marching off to collect the water and ice.
He placed both on the side, before folding his arms together, watching Tenshi work on helping the boy. "What does he have? Is it contagious? If so I'd recommend sterilising him, and everything around us." Hane said simply, giving the boy his own hard look over. It was very strange, in mere minutes he'd gone from somewhat perfect health to this, and it made the guardian very suspicious. What if this was just a ruse, to get close and then strike? He claimed he wasn't going crazy right now, and that just made Hane even more edgy. He huffed loudly, taking perch on a nearby stool, still glaring in the kid's direction for now. For a moment he glanced to Tenshi, giving her a frown. She seemed awfully friendly to this boy. Tenshi was practically a mother to all, but this seemed even more than her usual. Hane would never believe Tenshi would keep a secret from him, but even so, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her for a moment, before tilting towards the boy again.

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (134)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (135)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (136)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (137)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (138)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (139)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (140)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (141)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (142)

Posts: 202'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (143)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 16, 2016 21:23:29 GMT

Post by Nanari on Jun 16, 2016 21:23:29 GMT

Nanari knew this was her fathers way of showing he cared, doesn't mean it didn't hurt though, the fact he wasn't even willing to try and be nice until all but forced to. Her mother on the other hand was a gem as she did what she was asked without complaint and then some, it was moments like this that Nanari couldn't be more proud to be called Tenshi and Hane's daughter. Smiling softly to her mother for a moment, Nanari turned to her father with tears in her eyes and a pleading look to play nice for a bit, she would explain to him later an extent of what was going on, only if he was willing to be nice though, before turning back to Percy with a sheepish smile. "Honestly I forgot... I'm sorry, I'll be more careful in the future about it." She honestly did in the worry about introducing Percy to her parents, and she was mentally hitting herself for forgetting, knowing the risk. "I really do owe you for all of this." Nanari gave a small chuckle, wondering exactly how he would make her pay him back, before making sure he had something more to drink, and wiping down his face and holding the ice pack to his head to help sooth it more.

Percival Ohere
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (144)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (145)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (146)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (147)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (148)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (149)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (150)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (151)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (152)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (153)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (154)

"Some powers really aren't worth the sacrifices."

Posts: 98'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (155)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 16, 2016 21:47:26 GMT

Post by Percival Ohere on Jun 16, 2016 21:47:26 GMT

Percy took a long intake of breath, wiping his face onto his sleeve. Honestly, it was exhausting just battling his mind daily. Made it clear why he'd never bothered to push himself physically, meaning he'd been scrawny all his life. He already had to train his mind daily to deal with these kind of issues, working his body to the bone had never been something he'd planned on doing. Also, he really didn't need to, not with the powers he had. Blinking a few times, Percy opened his eyes to a mug of tea all of a sudden shoved in front of him. It's floral scent was nice on the head, gave Percy some amount of relief. The taste was not the same as the smell however, and it was only Percy's already strong stomach that helped him swallow it down. Which was good, because the effect was immediate, and rather soothing. It calmed down the strain in his head, leaving just the raw background noise screaming at him, but that was something Percy was very much used to anyway. "Thank you." He muttered, tongue moving around the lingering taste in his mouth, before flinching to Tenshi's sudden touch. The only reason he wasn't shying away was because he knew Tenshi as much as she knew herself now. He wasn't trusting her yet, but he knew she had no intention to harm him. Still, Percy was new to all this... physical contact, he'd barely got used to Nanari's hugs.
Smiling to Tenshi's simple cares, Percy sighed, "I have a temperamental kind of magic... that's all. And I should be fine now, will probably have a migraine that lasts me a week, but it's.... it's nothing I'm not used to." He explained, leaning into the chill of the ice pack Nanari put on his head. "And I won't let you forget it." Percy muttered up to Nanari, giving her a grateful but childish smirk. She owed him a lot, and Percy was going to make sure to remember it. After all, he certainly wasn't one to shy away when others owed him things, having been on the other end of that situation for a lot of his life.

He glanced over to Nanari's father, feeling a little tense at the glare he had. But Percy quickly cleared his throat, looking over the more friendly faces in the room. "I'm.. uh, Percy, by the way. I will say this now, I'm not carrying any sort of disease," Because with the amount of alcohol he consumed, Percy was pretty sterile, he was just always dirty looking, "Also the commitment I have with Nanari is as a simple friend due to the fact that I work in the same Tavern that she visits weekly, nothing more than that." Percy scratched his chin, "Other than that... your dad over there got it right, I'm just some low-life, earning money to give it to other people I owe." He explained simply, saying his piece, and deciding to take another sip of that soothing tea, as his head pounded with all the talking.

Just Tenshi
'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (156)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (157)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (158)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (159)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (160)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (161)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (162)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (163)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (164)'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (165)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (166)

"We cannot move foward if we forget the past, it only helps us grow. Instead learn and begin anew."

Posts: 136'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' | Destiny (167)

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside' Jun 19, 2016 21:17:27 GMT

Post by Just Tenshi on Jun 19, 2016 21:17:27 GMT

Tenshi gave a smile to Percy, she liked the boy, and knew he came with a lot of 'baggage' so to speak, but also could tell he would be a good friend to her daughter, and could see why Nanari liked him so much already. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Tenshi shook her head a little. "No need to be thankful, its what we do. I'm just glad to see your feeling a bit better now." Chuckling slightly, Tenshi knew no matter what was asked, Nanari would deliver, and she trusted Percy enough not to make her do anything horrible, it was just funny watching the two... Tenshi had been around long enough to know something was there, hell has done something about it to a few... Like Kaku and Ru at the festival all those years ago... Now all she had to figure out was how to help her daughter out. Giving another laugh at his 'commitment' with Nanari, Tenshi gave look to Hane, knowing he was the reason for Percy saying this outright, though she gave a small sad smile to her daughters expression, before brightening up again. "Its a pleasure to meet you Percy, and you magic to me seems like one you have yet to learn to control, give it time, and things will look up and get easier. I know a few who could help, but I wont ever force you to meet any of them." Giving a wink to Percy, knowing he may get a little angsty over that information, before turning to Hane and giving him a look of 'I promise to explain later', Tenshi didn't give him chance to say anything to it just yet. "And that's not what I see, obviously you work hard to pay back your debts, that's big of you. Some in this would let in simmer. Besides, I told you to ignore Hane, Mr grumpy over there is just annoyed you take up all of our daughters time now a days..."

'Fathers Terrifying, but a Giant Teddy Bear on the Inside'  | Destiny (2025)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.